Tuesday, March 10, 2009

We are Here

Hello Wakulla County Residents and other interested Parties

It began with the 2008 Elections. After a stunningly close election a group of diverse individuals from all walks of life came together to discuss Wakulla County issues. We were disturbed at the things that we had seen and heard during the election season and disturbed by what we saw during the recounts after the elections.

We made public records requests. We sat in on County Commission Meetings. We spoke with people around Wakulla County-former and current elected officials. Ordinary Citizens. Born and Raised Wakullians, Blow-Ins and P. O. T's (P**sed Off Transplants). We spoke in homes, around campfires, in parking lots at Walmart and the Rec Park at Medart. We decided to seek the truth and we wanted to tell that truth to the rest of Wakulla.

You see, we had heard things. Not so good things. Talk that even if a portion were true, it was not a good thing. The worse thing we knew about was The Fear. The Fear came from people who were afraid to express their ideas in public. The Fear to openly support political candidates. The Fear to speak because of retaliation against us and against our children in the public school system. To speak the Truth of what we knew.

We talked about what we could do and we decided as a committee to stand up and speak out in the spirit of our Founding Fathers. But we did not know how to begin.

Then something happened. Wakulla County's long time sheriff ran into an innocent mother and her child parked in a driveway. Rather than acting like a responsible law enforcement officer and compassionate human being, he took off like a coward. We thought the system would mete out the proper punishment. Instead politician judges, a politician prosecutor, a politician sheriff and a politician governor turned a blind eye to our concerns and more importantly, to the Wright Family, Wakulla County citizens and their families safety.

That was the moment our group decided to either stand up or shut up. We are standing.

We are Wakulla 411.

We are a diverse group of different individuals with different educational, social and ethnic backgrounds who have come together to work for a common purpose-to keep you informed of the issues that directly affect your family and you.

Contrary to what our detractors will say about us - we have lives. Lives with a purpose. We are white collar professionals, we are hardworking blue collar, we are disabled, we are retirees, we are mothers, we are fathers, we are community volunteers and church members. We are Democrat, Republican and No Party Affiliation. We are well read, we are outdoors people, we like to stay in side and watch tv, we like dogs, we like cats, we are artists, writers, good cooks, teachers, hunters, hikers, kayakers, tree huggers, mall crawlers, drinkers and teetotalers, liberal in our social view and extremely conservative, some of us like Commissioner Kessler and well, some of us barely tolerate him. We are in touch, we love our home, we are Wakulla-no matter how long we have lived here.

Most of all we are truth seekers. We feel that a government that is accountable to its citizens is the best government. And we want our government and our governmental officials to be accountable. They need to remember that they represent us-all of us.

Wakulla 411 has a set of basic beliefs.
  • We believe in transparency in our government.
  • We believe in fiscal conservancy and accountability.
  • We hold our public officials to a higher standard because they are the role models for our children and represent our community.
  • We deplore the use of our tax dollars for others personal gain.
  • We equally deplore a government that allows our officials to be excused for their crimes.
  • Our belief is that we cannot remain silent.
For these reasons we are setting up this forum and the website www.wakulla411.com to broadcast factual and verifiable information.

Thank you for your interest.

Wakulla 411


  1. attaboys

    It's no longer so hidden, thanks to people like you. Maybe more will join enmasse.

  2. http://www.ethics.state.fl.us/publications/2008%20Guide.pdf

    Copied from post on Bill Cotterell's Tal/Dem article about Meggs's so-called free speech rights.

  3. attaboy!

    Hoping someone will come forward with info about Hilton evidence. The public has a need to know.

    .......... wakullarea51

  4. Regarding Misuse of Power
    Article 3 on page 7.
    If an official takes an inmate from the jail to have that inmate paint that official's personal residence, would that be a violation?

    .............. wakullarea51

  5. Harvey's in the news again today
