Thursday, March 12, 2009

What Next?

We thank you for your interest in Wakulla411.

We launched the blog as a quick response to our committee making an appearance in the Tallahassee Democrat and on WCTV Channel 6. We had received a copy of the complaint being filed by Suzanne Smith with State Attorney Willie Meggs and Wakulla411 forwarded it to those media outlets. We had no idea that we would be getting a free "plug" by the Democrat and WCTV.

Our intention is to launch a webpage at that will post pertinent information and facts about Wakulla County government. Because web sites take a little more work and because we do have lives; it may be a while before we have everything put together and ready to launch. We have several avenues that we are working on and we want to make sure that our "t"s are crossed and our "i"s dotted before we launch our findings.

Where do we go from here?

First, Wakulla411 wishes to salute Suzanne Smith who bravely wrote the complaint to Willie Meggs. Our committee is fairly certain that George the Third's supporters attempted to paint the colonial patriots who complained about taxation without representation as out of touch and that George was a good king. Suzanne is a great patriot and we appreciate what you do, Suzanne. Thank you.

Second, we want to thank you for your interest.

What can you do?
*Follow this blog-this is where we will announce that the web site is live and when we add new content.

*Comment-we appreciate complements, "attaboys", observations and the like.

*Tell your friends about us so they can follow this blog and comment too.

*If you want to come and rant against us; that's fine, too. We have thick hides.

We are here for when the news stories die down to keep the conversations alive.